The function of the Transportation Committee is to develop and recommend to the Federation membership positions on the transportation issues that impact the membership area and communities of the Federation. The functions of the Transportation Committee include the following :
- Gather information concerning transportation issues, to include roads, trails, rail, and parking and keep the Executive Committee and the general membership informed of these issues and the status of major transportation projects within the Federation area.
- Review the transportation portions and traffic implications of the County Comprehensive Plan and amendments to the plan; identify and resolve, if possible, issues related to the plan or amendments; and make recommendations concerning the Federation position concerning the plan or amendments.
- Review and make recommendations on the Federation position with regard to any Transportation issues, provisions or practices.
- Draft resolutions which identify the critical issues and, if applicable, the resolution thereof; and state the recommended Federation position with regard to the issue.
- Develop annually and maintain a list of transportation priorities for the Federation and communicate these priorities to the appropriate county and state officials through the Corresponding Secretary. These priorities shall be approved by the vote of the general membership and communicated to appropriate State and County officials.
- Serve as a member of the Land Use Committee and provide advice on the transportation issues related to land use applications before the committee.
- Click here for important V-DOT links.
- Click here for information on the Giles Run Connector Road
- Click here for VDot repaving map