Resolution 2011-12-06 Sunrise Senior Center

South County Federation Resolution Regarding
Sunrise Senior Living Facility at Gunston Plaza Shopping Center

Whereas, a representative of Sunrise Senior Living, appeared before South County Land Use Committee to seek support to reopen their facility at 7665 Lorton Road, adjacent to the Gunston Plaza shopping center. The facility was constructed in conformance with a proffered rezoning (RZ 89-V-038) and a concurrent special exception (SE 88-V-102) which among other things limited operations to 8 onsite employees due to parking constraints. The building is currently vacant and the special exception has expired.

Whereas, Sunrise is proposing to re-establish the assisted living use by applying for a new special exception. No changes to the building or parking areas are proposed. Sunrise is currently working to secure offsite parking so as to allow more than eight onsite employees but will apply for a Proffer Condition Amendment that reduces the employee limitation should securing offsite parking fail.

Whereas, the parking and ingress and egress constrains make the building and location the most ideal for assisted living since it is assumed that the residence do not drive.

Whereas, it is in the benefit of South County community to have the Sunrise facility open and operational as an assisted living facility as oppose to a vacant building.

Whereas, when the facility was open little to no complaints were brought before the Federation concerning parking or other concerns. The facility was a place for local South County residence to donate their time and engage with our elders.

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, The South County Federation supports the reopening of the Sunrise Senior Center at Gunston Plaza. Should Sunrise’s efforts to obtain offsite parking fail and all other parking solutions are exhausted the South County Federation could support a proffer condition amendment that increases the number of onsite employees allowed.

© 2015 South County Federation | P.O. Box 442, Mason Neck, VA 22199
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